I really wanted this movie to be the ultimate 2005 film. I really did. But it didn't do it for me. Not as much as I wanted it to. Why?
Because of those goddamn humans.
Kong was great. Kong was wonderful. Andy Serkis once again brings life to a CG character like no other. You feel for him, you care for him and understand him. It's understandable why so many girls went to see this movie and bawled their eyes out when Kong dies.
But Kong's only in the movie for half of its running time, and this is a three hour flick so we have to put up with the humans.
Those damn dirty humans.
That was my problem with the movie. I couldn't relate, feel and more than anything care for these poor excuses of life. Carl Denham, is a grade A exploitative asshole. Jack Driscoll is dull. Hayes and Jimmy? Who gives a flying fuck about Hayes and Jimmy. All these characters, and you don't give one iota as to whether they live or die, yet you follow them as they're chased by dinosaurs and fucked up bugs. How are you supposed to feel the thrill and suspense when you don't give a damn whether they get squished?
And the girl, Anne. What a goddamn tease. Make Kong smile, tell Kong no. Cuddle up to Kong, then get ready to leg it the second a human is in sight. And what does she do when Kong plummets to his doom? What is the first thing she does? Hug Jack. A tease, I tell you! Kong deserved better!
Godammit. Looks like Episode III was the best blockbuster of the year for me. Bring on 2006.
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