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A constant feed from my Tumblr blog, where I have now parked myself after realizing I'm not enjoying Blogger that much.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Weekend Clincher

Weekend's looking... weird. Either way it's packed, dependant on sunshine and the weather is still looking weird. This morning I saw and felt the sun and I couldn't have felt happier until it decided to play peek-a-boo with the clouds followed by hide and seek.

And the fucker's winning.

I'm planning to shoot Tony's scene on Saturday in the day and if the weather's looking good I'll get some pick-up shots of the car zooming past and what-have-you (plenty of scenes with my little red Kelisa. I should be sponsored). Then on Sunday hopefully I'll be able to shoot Ben & CK's scene (f-ing finally) together with the rest of my scenes in bruised up make-up and maybe, just maybe some of the shots for the action sequence, time (and weather) permitting.

The only thing is Saturday's looking a bit problematic:

(a) I have an open house to attend during lunch time (which I want to attend, regardless, due to it being at my girlfriend's house and it's free food),

(b) I have a gig at 7pm (which was meant to be in the afternoon but things are being moved around like Risk pieces) and

(c) My Director Of Photography might not be able to make it. And I can't exactly get Tony to do it because I want to shoot his scenes on that day.


I've also been digitizing the footage I've been shooting and keeping a seperate folder on my computer labelled 'Cool-Shots-For-Possible-Trailer'. By this weekend I should have enough to start fooling around on the edit of the trailer, at the very least come up with a teaser (fingers crossed).

Now I gotta get on the phone to see which actors I can rope in for this weekend. One day, lackeys will do this for me. Female lackeys in schoolgirl uniforms.

One can dream.

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