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Monday, October 31, 2005

Ciplak: Production - Day 5

So, after all my ramblings of "I'm gonna get this fucking film in the can by hook or by crook", I realize that regardless how prepared you are or how you manage your time, something's always bound to go wrong.

Case in point is the issue of 'the hair'. I was acting in Tony's short film, "Wrath", on Saturday (which I shall post about later) and the plan was, straight after, to get a haircut so that my scenes will match for the movie. I had a gig that night, with a soundcheck at 6pm.

But, and this is no fault of Tony's, the shoot got delayed when the director of photography's car broke down somewhere in the middle of a strange highway and the weather kept playing with us like its private parts.

Straight after, I had no time so I rushed off to the gig for soundcheck. Ordinarily we wouldn't soundcheck as we know Paul's Place like the back of our hands, but we wanted to see if we could negotiate our slot. Unfortunately, (1) our slot was predetermined and annoyingly (2) we were the only band that soundchecked. We were scheduled to play at 11.30pm.

If I had known this I would've gotten my haircut first before coming to the gig. So, after dinner, I rushed off to 1 Utama to visit my usual hairdresser, 'Dry Cuts', only to be caught in a horrendous jam to find the place just closing.


In the end I got my haircut in the morning so we had to cancel the scheduled morning scenes and go straight to the driving scenes and the 'Puteri' scene. The driving scenes came out alright, and I shot some alternative scenes for a possible change in the opening ten minutes of the movie.

The scenes at Farah's house (Saiful's sister) came out pretty good. Her room was painted red on one side, purple on the other, and it looked like something out of a Wong Kar Wai movie. Farah was very sporting and we got the whole scene done, bar a few shots that I need to reshoot.

I also need to reshoot the second scene we shot there (which we stupidly thought we could shoot in five minutes cos we were in a rush to send everyone home). Right now it's nowhere near right. I may also reshoot another scene where Farah's character pulls out her stash of porn DVD's (was that a spoiler? I think so).

But it looks like things are going back on track, which is comforting. After the Raya holidays, we'll be shooting four days straight over the weekend and I'll probably shoot another weekend after that to get everything in the can.

Oh, and Amir Muhammad was here in the Starbucks I am right now whilst I was writing this. He came over to my table to say hi before he left and told me my short, "Some Like It White", was the only short that needed any censoring in all the 23 episodes of Shortcuts and that I should be proud of that fact.

Believe me, I am. If the censors think that was offensive, they have no idea what else I have stored in this silly head of mine.

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