For those who are wondering how this godawful haze is going, apparently it rained in KL yesterday and nobody noticed. Can haze deflect rain?
I must say, though, whilst I thought it was getting worse, I can see slightly farther out of my office window today than I could yesterday. Yup, I can now see two buildings away as opposed to yesterday's one. Whoopee.
Man Method reckons nature's fighting back. I reckon God's lit up a big Cuban cigar for the grand finale and blowing it in our general direction.
As for other news, I woke up in a slightly bad mood this morning. My mom was 'teaching' my bro his homework, and by 'teach', I mean 'make the kid memorize the answers to 6+... from 1 to 12'. Modern teaching. I hate it.
Hence, in a foul mood and wearing a gas mask I walked into 7-11 before going to work and bought me some fresh milk and Koko Krunch. I have not had cereal since my mid-teens and goddamn did it bring back a lot of good memories. I almost forgot how good cereal was. And fresh milk, Jesus! I hadn't had fresh milk since I was in England!
(For those wondering, most drinks in Malaysia are made not with fresh milk, but condensed milk, which is a lot thicker, a helluva lot sweeter and a thousand times more fattening. Fresh milk is a luxury. It's imported from New Zealand. Our cows aren't fit for McDonald's meat let alone fresh milk.)
I also forgot how cereal makes you wanna poop, and I was glad. After lots of tummy trouble the doctor gave me medicine that left me constipated all of yesterday. Today we poop healthy poop. Amen for fresh milk, cereal and above all, healthy poop.
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