Naren e-mailed recently and asked whether everything is ok and whether or not I got my mojo back considering I hadn't posted anything since Thursday. Well, there's a reason for that.
On Friday morning, with only two hours sleep, I made my way to Port Dickson with my colleagues for an intensive training course. Very intensive. The second I got there we were ushered into the room so from 9 to 5 I was sat 'studying', if you will. Then, from 8 to midnight, 'homework'.
Shit, even school wasn't this bad. By 12.14am, I received an SMS saying it's free flow at the bar, courtesy of the HR department.
"Screw you guys, I'm getting drunk," was my message to the team. They followed suit.
On Saturday, our 'homework' won us a RM$50 gift voucher at Isetan each. Whoopee. I also won a rubber ducky, which I treasured a lot more than the gift voucher, but ended up giving it to my bro, who had been ill the whole week.
Saturday was also the day we noticed the haze. The very bad haze that has lasted till now. For those unfamiliar with haze, imagine a dense fog made of dirt and soot. That's haze, and it sucks balls.
For starters, it gets a lot of people ill, myself included. I should've seen it coming. Already on Friday at least five people were ill. One person almost passed out at lunch, another had stomach pains, headaches and migraines all 'round.
It was just a matter of time.
By Sunday I had a gig and was feeling the effects of haze and exhaustion, passed out on the floor of Paul's Place, weak and ill, desperately in need of sleep. I played my set and rushed out as soon as I can to rest and eventually edit my short film for television (which sucked balls. I felt like I was butchering my baby. Every 'bleep' and pixelation of cleavage made me wince).
By Monday, even though I shouldn't have, I went to work, ill as hell, and by evening the fever was breaking through and my nose kept bleeding and throughout the day I shat out liquid poop.
By Tuesday morning, I couldn't go on.
At the clinic I asked the doctor why I kept getting fevers. She said I probably have low immunity or something, I couldn't really make her out in my fever induced daze. She stuck a needle up my butt and gave me a ton of pills.
What I do know is this, though: four fevers in eight months. That's an average of a fever every two months this year. I have never gotten this ill this often, it's freaking me out.
So are the nosebleeds. Eddy says I should check it out, that blood should stay in the body. I have a phobia about doctors when it comes to nosebleeds, though.
Just nosebleeds.
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