Well, tits. One pair of.
The picture is a link to her profile but may not work if you're not logged in. Her name is Shasha Jane Dato' Meor and according to her 'super duper bestfriend forever', Angelina Aisyah, she hsa 36-25-36 measurements, taller than her brother, something like her father and, well, maybe I should let Angelina speak. Here are some choice quotes:
"...but u better in sex than me...8 hours with joe...u rocks!"
- Eight hours? What kind of pussy takes 8 hours of pounding?
"last hari raya,shasha learns how to bertakbir right?from her grandpa...that's cool..at least,she prays 5 times per day exp weekends..."
- Aha. Ok. That explains why her tits out. Right.
"guys...pls don't mess up with her...she's wearing chanel... gucci..LV..driving her black harrier....stop thinking that u'll get her beautiful body...just forget it!forget it!...wasting ur time..."
- Don't worry. I never mess with a girl wearing Chanel, Gucci and LV. I prefer brains.
"she keeps changing her hp number because lots of man try to reach her to test their dick..."
- How does one test one's dick? Do you stick it in her and a green LED lights up signifying healthy erectile function?
And a word from Sasha herself:
"i received 100 msg perday..i'm sorry if not i'm not be able to reply your msg.i'm damn busy right now...as you know working as a dancer. I'M GOING TO MY GRANNY's HOUSE FOR 3 MONTHS IN UK.SO,ANGIE WILL TAKE OVER MY ACCOUNT."
- A Malay dancer living with her granny in the UK. Okey dokey, then...
Her friends comments are, as one would imagine, predominantly filled with horny Malay men telling her she's got nice tits and asking whether they could suck them. Although there are some very choice ones in the mix, such as:
"wow..u look very seksyy...i like u...can u give your pussy...i hope u puusyy is pink not black...i wat to suck your pussy same like i suck ice cream..slurpp..ahhh...."
And what exactly is wrong with black pussy?
"nice breast... cutie tits.. do u want extra handjobs... "
Extra handjobs? To whom? From whom? Does she have a dick?
And my personal favourite,
"ape lah.. mcm tak de gambar lain jer nak letak.. tetek tu knp?kurap ker kudis ek??ape ape tah.. bodohnye pompuan... bangang.. tetek mcm tetek lembu tua jerr... "
Which translates to,
"What the fuck? Haven't you got anything else to put besides your tits? What's up with your tits? Do you have some kind of skin infection? Whatever... stupid-ass bitch... dumb ho... tits like an old cow..."
I do believe that is a fair question, though, as all her pictures are predominantly tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, one erect Malay male penis, tits, tits, tits.
In that order.
And what is up with the penis shot, anyway?
I'm not sure what to make of this girl. If what they say is true, her father is a dato', which is kind of a Malaysian version of knighthood. She has a grandmother in the UK. Everything points to wealth and riches. So what's going on with the profile? Is this 22 year old girl trying to be the next Paris Hilton? Possibly. Is the profile a joke? Possibly.
Is she just another horny Malay ho who needs some good deep dicking?
I'll let you decide. I'm keeping her profile in my 'favourites' section of MySpace just in case. Who knows? I may have a need to recreate the ass-to-ass scene in 'Requiem for a Dream' for one of my movies.
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