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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Help Whore Me to the Masses

Ok. Ordinarily I wouldn't do this, but I figure 'fuck it', one must whore one-self however one thinks one must.

One. Tanamera.

Anyway, yes. This is a call to all you readers (yes, all twelve of you) who may, by some twisted turn of events, be involved in the press/media in anyway: the Y2k album will be shipped off for mastering overseas next Monday before going for printing and my feature length movie 'Ciplak' should be out and about by the end of December with a trailer and website by the end of this month and (here it comes) I need some exposure.

If any of you guys can help me out on this (and I know for a fact some of you guys work in the press so help a brother out, G) or if you know anyone who you could spread the word to, it would be most appreciated.

Of course, all you peeps out there working for the press who I know personally will be hounded by me on an individual basis until you either relent or set the rampant wilderbeasts on me. But I figured I'd give you all a heads up. That way you'll have enough time to run to the hills and pursue more worthwhile and interesting press stories.

I'm writing up a pre-press release (not the final final press release, but enough to possibly give an editor a half-woody). Reason why I'm starting so early, I completely forget the amount of time it takes for things like printing (in the case of magazines), permission from superiors on high (in the case of everything, really) and ass scratching of the highest order as you wonder whether my 2 minute blow job is enough compensation to write up about my crazed untalented antics as I attempt to set myself up so I can start doing crap creative endeavours for myself (as opposed to crap creative endeavours for clients with walnuts for brains).

So yes. Calling all press! Help whore me out to the unsuspecting masses! Unleash another 'Khai'! The public are hungry and the empty slot 'Khai AF' has left after everyone realised how untalented a nutbag he was needs to be filled by another talentless hack with a goofy smile! this time with glasses! I am the one who can fill that hole!

(hehehe... filling holes... hehehe)

Seriously, though. Help me out, man... Buy my cheeseburger, man... I'll suck yo' dick.

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