The Ex-Guber on Tumblr

A constant feed from my Tumblr blog, where I have now parked myself after realizing I'm not enjoying Blogger that much.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Shooting day 5 lasted approximately one and a half hours. Ahmad's camerawork, at best, left much to be desired. Some of the rushes had really good takes if it weren't for the fact that the camera was aiming at my shirt the whole time. On top of that my skin looked a bit blemishy.

At many points of this crazy journey I seriously reconsider chucking all this crap in. But we persevere, for we are too stupid to know any better.

To top it all off, I'm at the office right now. Yes, the fucking office. I'm supposed to be acting in Pietra's short film right now, but instead I'm fucking working. Bastards. I'll get them for this.

My hair is also becoming an issue. In my movie, I'm supposed to have shorter hair, and I've been getting around it these days by trying to have as little of my hair in the shot as possible. In Pietra's movie, I'm supposed to have my hair like how it is now. Joy upon f-ing joy.

When will the madness end?

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