Last night, after an incredibly huge meal at my girlfriends' mom's house and an hour and a half of 'Jersey Girl' (which my girlfriend also agrees is an alright movie), we sat down at the computer and watched the rough edit from two weekends ago that we shot at the Cravings Cafe.
In a word, it's not working.
Every shot's angle is out, the close ups' line of sight doesn't match, the sound is incredibly bad (the mic, I think, is fucked), the white balance makes the place look unbelievably cold, the cafe looks deserted and both mine and Nazneen's performances could be a whole lot better.
We thought about this, not being able to shake it off.
Driving home, that's when I decided it was time to pussyfoot no longer.
A lot of the mistakes on that shoot was largely due to me - I wasn't paying enough attention as a director. Sure, I was incredibly ill and I'd love to make that my excuse, but I should have just not shot anything that day and waited till I was better instead of wasting a whole lotta time.
Now, however, I've decided it's time to strap up and get this fucking movie in the can. No more starting at 4pm and only shooting for two hours a day once a week. I want this movie completed on the date that I intended for the shoot to end: 14th of November. This will give me enough time to sort out the animated scenes and work on tightening up the edit.
with that, I spent the rest of the night tightening up the schedule. I'm planning to shoot on Sunday (whole day), Monday (night), Tuesday (whole day) and from Friday till Monday on the week after Raya (Eid), all whole day's. Crew can't make it? Get someone else. Cast can't make it? Shoot something else. This movie needs to be finished and finished well. That's the problem when you don't pay people - you're project is not the main objective.
But it's my main objective, and I'll be damned if it goes down the fucking drain. This movie is being made by hook or fucking crook. Shooting will finish on the 14th of November, a trailer, website, viral marketing and all promotional materials will be finished two weeks after and it will be sent to the Singapore International Film Festival, so help me God.
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