...which was roughly the speed of the car in front of me but, instead of kicking in the flux capacitor sending the car back to the future, it flew directly into a billboard.
I was on my way back to the Hub from my parents house. They were away for the weekend so I figured I'd sleep in the Hub since I had a meeting nearby the next day. As I was driving past Plaza Damansara and getting on the road leading to Taman Tun a dark red hatchback was speeding behind me (can't remember whether it was a Renault or a Peugeot, but one of those) and heading my way.
Now when I say it was heading my way, I don't mean it was heading in the same direction. It was literally heading towards me, my car, at 140 km/h and was not changing course, so much so that I swerved out of the way in order to avoid an accident and, from the looks of the line the guy made after passing me, would probably have turned out to be an accident and a fatal one at that.
The dark red hatchback turned down the toll free path which has a few traffic lights which probably explained why, as I was nearing Taman Tun, I saw the same car whiz past me again, this time with a light grey car behind it, tailgating it. I may be wrong, maybe it wasn't the same car, but the color, shape and erratic driving at high speeds made it seem exactly like the car that I narrowly avoided a collision with.
I watched this dark red hatchback zoom off in front of me, passing the Caltex, and I remember thinking to myself something along the lines of,
"You keep driving like that and you're just asking for an accident to happen."
A few seconds later, I heard a bang. As the red hatchback passed by the exit to the Damansara Specialist Hospital the driver hadn't noticed that the road was not straight but curved to the right and drove straight into the curb which, at that speed, propelled it upwards into the billboard, crumbling both the large advertisement and the dark red hatchback as it slammed into the wall behind it.
It took a few moments to register and by the time it did I was already passed it and couldn't feasibly turn back. I watched from the rear view mirror as the driver of the light grey car rushed out towards the dark red hatchback... with a walkie-talkie. Why was he on a walkie-talkie? Who was he walkie-talkie-ing too?
At the same time another car that was also pulled over to the side had also stopped, but not slowly like a curious bystander interested in gawking and getting down the license plate but braked quickly in an emergency stop at the side of the road and four people rushed out to the car as if they knew the guy.
What was going on?
I had already turned the road and no longer had any sight of the crash but my mind was still trying to process everything that had just happened - who were these people? Why did the guy have a walkie-talkie? How spooky is it that it happened just a few seconds after I thought to myself that the car would have an accident? What if I hadn't swerved out of the way when I first saw the car?
I have seen a lot of people drive way too fast down that stretch and I have also seen the aftermath of many accidents there, around the same corner. I know a few people who enjoy driving fast or aspire to race but I also know these people to drive safely.
I hope all of you who read this do the same. 'Cos there's a lot of people out there that don't.
saturday night, walkie... callman syndicate laa apa lagi... bastards