The Ex-Guber on Tumblr

A constant feed from my Tumblr blog, where I have now parked myself after realizing I'm not enjoying Blogger that much.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Snap! Has the Power. I Do Not.

I am sat at Wak Chai's whilst it pours down outside. The TV is playing some random Hindi movie featuring a bearded, mullet-haired hero who's collars are constantly out and over his suit jacket who's pining over some girl in front of a fire after serenading her in the woods whilst she shut her ears for fear that she would get moist in the lower regions and dance the dance of love.

I have my laptop, my tobacco, my shiny Zippo lighter and my Powershot S90. I also haven't a clue what to do besides thinking of various ways of castrating TNB heads with various blunt instruments, aided by the poisonous thumb of the mighty platypus.

Earlier today I got up earlier than expected after not being able to sleep the night before and decided to do a bunch of chores in preparation for my TVC shoot tomorrow. Chores completed, I headed back to The Hub in the hope of laying down some guitar tracks for the upcoming Sixers album.

As I opened up the gate, my neighbor called out for me from his window.

"The power's out!" he said.

"Again?!" I replied.

"I've already called TNB," he continued, "and they said that one of the cables is on fire. they're trying to fix it now."

Annoyed, I grabbed my laptop and headed out.

This isn't the first time this has happened, and I'm not talking about a period of months. This is the third time this week that the power has died. And it's not even the entire block - just The Hub, the house on the right and the three houses on the left. Everyone else gets to enjoy the wonders of electricity.

The last time it happened I found myself searching with the light of my mobile phone for a candle and candle holder. In the end all I had was a scented apple shaped candle from the Lucky Shot shoot and a Guinness glass.

Then, out of sheer boredom, I started doing long shutter photography under candle light.

Now? Now I find myself blogging, wondering whether I should do what Namewee did - call up TNB, get them to come over, give them a piece of my mind and film the whole damn thing.

This is absurd. I just bought a bunch of meat yesterday that's sitting in the freezer and if it goes bad I'm gonna be pissed. This is my Hub, dammit. I needs my power.

Perhaps I should just have my own power supply. Perhaps I should get a few hamsters and put them on wheels with dynamos.

Perhaps I should get out of here and see if the power's back.

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