The Ex-Guber on Tumblr

A constant feed from my Tumblr blog, where I have now parked myself after realizing I'm not enjoying Blogger that much.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Constant Bloggery

I remember when I first started a blog, years ago, on At the time everyone was just beginning to realize how pointless Friendster was and MySpace was getting more and more emo as the days progressed. And Facebook? Facebook wasn't even an idea yet.

For years I wrote on my 20six blog, sometimes three or four times a day, as I'd wait for the designers and art directors to do all the heavy time consuming work in the advertising agency I worked in. Most of the time I'd either be blogging about my frustrations with the advertising industry or my attempts to become a filmmaker.

Then, after The Troubles, I switched blog sites from 20six to Terapad due to 20six's server issues as well as in an attempt to run away from The Troubles, all the while keeping a certain level of censorship with my writings at a level I'd never done before.

The thing is, with the advent of Facebook I began to question the point of my blog in the first place. Most of the people who read my blog were my friends on Facebook anyway, and the main reason I wrote under the pseudonym 'Justin Guber' was so that only my friends knew the blog was mine. With Facebook, that's not really an issue. And besides, Terapad was beginning to get tedious with it's blogging system and layout constraints. As for The Troubles, I don't feel a need to run away from them anymore, but 20six hasn't exactly improved.

The question, however, remains - what need is there for a blog now?

I've been thinking about this for the past month or so and was very close to just getting rid of my blog altogether, but the fact of the matter is I've had a blog since about 2003 and there are a lot of memories in those old posts. And, at the end of the day, one of the main reasons I kept a blog was to keep me writing - to keep the act of putting words together fresh.

So this was my decision - to move to a blogging site that suited all my needs, consolidate all my posts from my two other blogs onto the site and get rid of the old blogs. That way, it would all be in one place and I'd always have a spot to write. After a night of searching around everywhere, I finally decided on Blogger since it's come a long way from the format it used to have, and I began to set out the task of moving all my posts over to this site.

But the biggest difference? The biggest difference of the lot? No more 'Justin Guber'. There's not really any need to use that name anymore. I've come a long way since those early days and if I write something here I should have the balls to stick by it regardless the outcome.

So here it is - - my new blog with all the old content still in it. This is the blog of Khairil M. Bahar, An Ex-Guber now comfortable with his own skin without adopting a false European name.

This is where I shall write all my brain poop, and where all my past brain poop shall remain.

And it's a lot of past brain poop - the archives include everything up until the end of 2004 (I couldn't get the posts before that because apparently there was spyware embedded on those pages). Through the blog categories you can find the entire process of the making of 'Ciplak', from it's conception all the way to the trip to LA, just by clicking the 'Ciplak' link in the 'browse' section on your right, as well as the movie that I was supposed to make before I made 'Ciplak' called 'Celup'.

If you're interested in that sort of rubbish, anyway.

The old 'Shocking Asia' links are back as well as all the other randomness, five years of randomness to be precise, that was constantly spewed onto the internet as time passed at work.

I don't know how many people will start reading through this blog, or go through the archives, or anything. There may not be any point to this blog as far as the future and present is concerned.

But at least the past is kept safely - not forgotten, not discarded, not mulled over repetitiously. I know where it is, and whenever I want I can look back at it and smile.

Or laugh at how childish some of my posts were back in the day. I swear, I really didn't realize I used to rant so much.

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