Godammit! Godammitgodammitgodammitgodammit! Fuck! Shit! Ass! Bitch! Minge! Quim! And other such utterances! Loud noises!!! LOUD NOISES!!!!
No, that did not make me feel better.
I have just returned from trying to become a licensed film producer and distributor. And to do so is more infuriating than anything I have ever encountered.
Firstly, I have to fill in two forms, both RM$2 each. No biggie there.
Then, I have to start up a Sdn Bhd company (or PLC, as you english speaking people would say) with a minimum paid up capital of RM$50,000.
That's right. RM$50,000. With a fucking company secretary and all that other bollocks. All this after I've just received my company, FYI Films, as sole proprietorship.
Fuck. Beans.
Then, I have to pay a deposit of RM$1000 for each license together with a total monthly fee of RM$500.
All this, for the privilege of legally producing and distributing my movie by myself. Bearing in mind the cost of the movie was roughly RM$10,000, including the purchase of a decent 3CCD camera.
Fuck. BEANS.
And they say they want to help the local film industry. How exactly doesthis make it easier for me to show my fucking movie!? How, in the name of all things bright and fucking beautiful does this insanely ludicrous form of registration aid me in any fucking way?!
(Although, it has to be said, the guy I talked to was really nice and helpful. But still not helpful enough to loan me RM$50,000).
Grunt. Grunt. Grunt.
Ok. Calm now.
NO. I'm not calm. I'm reaching the furthest depths of my sanity to stop me from going to the hardware store in Uptown and buying a crossbow to go all medieval on people's asses. Add to this the fact that I've hadone hour of sleep so far because my mom wanted to drag me to some goddamn 'free' massage table bollocks (that, for some insane reason, involves singing) which was obviously a con to get people to buy these stupid RM$8,000 beds and I've got work to do till 2am tonight andCitibank's legal department is on my fucking ass like a rash.
Yes. Citibank. You warned me, and it happened. Of course, it wouldn't have happened if I was still in Grey, but since I left I've skipped my monthly payments seeing that I need every penny I can scrape, beg and borrow just to feed me, my car and my nicotine addiction. I've got the money coming soon, but not soon enough. Now their legal department is on my ass. Just great. And I tried to call back and I can't get through.
Fuck. Beans. Indeed.
Tomorrow I meet with the GSC people about the screening. I fear this may turn into the non-screening. Keep your fingers crossed for me people. I am having a truly horrific day.
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