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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Identity Crisis Pt.II - The Incoherent Rant Version

I gotta warn ya. This is gonna be a rant.

So I went to the Identity Card (IC) place today and, cut a long story short, couldn't get it today.

I'm not too bugged about not being able to get my IC though. To be honest, I couldn't give a flying fuck-o-la about the stupid fucking card. 1.1 million other Malaysians obviously feel the same way or just can't be arsed. I don't really care about the IC. I think it's a waste of my fucking time to queue up in an un-airconditioned area for a whole day to get a piece of fucking plastic with a poorly taken portrait photo of me on it. Also, I just checked the papers and it says that if the IC is done in 2006 there will be a charge... of RM$38.

Big. Fucking. Whoopee.
What I am bugged about is my parents' point of view concerning the obtainment of an identification card.

I just called up my parents to let them know I won't be home tonight (under the guise that I'm working late... hah!) and told my dad that I couldn't get my IC today. He then told me off rather sternly, stating that he is dissapointed in me.

Dissapointed in me. Because I didn't get a piece of fucking plastic. I'msorry. I thought I explained in my painstakingly presented powerpoint presentation that I-AM-INCREDIBLY-FUCKING-BUSY-! Bad enough I have to put up with a hundred physical ailments and a mind that's going to mush, bad enough I'm exhausted running about like a headless chicken, hardly sleeping and juggling a hundred and one tasks all at thesame FUCKING time, I am now a fucking dissapointment because I didn't get my IC done?! I'm SORRY! I'm just trying to earn my monthly wage whilst at the same time lay the groundwork for my upcoming business which, if not done properly, will leave me penniless in three fucking months whilst trying, hard as I try, to achieve my own personal goals and fucking ambitions so excuuuuuse me for not thinking that a stupid piece of cheap plastic with a useless electronic chip in it by order of Big-fucking-Brother isn't on the top of my fucking 'To Do' list!!!


This stupid little IC is becoming the bane of my fucking existence. I've got a thousand things on my mind and this, this is the FUCKING straw breaking this camel's FUCKING back.

You know what I say? FUCK identification cards. Fuck 'em up their stupid fucking asses and if you don't like it you can get down on your knees and lick the stink nuggets off the rim of my fucking asshole.

I need a chill pill.

I also need spelling lessons. I can't believe I spelt 'disappointment' wrong so many times. And Im a payd kopiritter. Heh.

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