Let's just say, for the sake of argument, apart from a pretty face your favourite part of the female anatomy was ass.
And not in an anal sex kind of way.
No, just imagine you were a person who likes cute butts. Something about them makes you go buckwild. Call 'em what you will: ass, butt, buttocks, rump, back, booty, posterior, double-parked VW beetles, whatever. To quote Shakespeare, "a tailfeather by any other name is still as sweet".
Or something.
Now, given the above, imagine you work in an office of about 200+ staff. Amongst these 200+ employees, 65%-75% of them are female. Out of the female population of the staff, at least 50% of them have an average booty and out of that 50% a good 10% have a better than average pair of bumpy bits.
Out of this 10%, imagine there are 2 individuals in particular who's asses look like they've been sculpted by Michelangelo.
No, not the turtle. The artist.
Imagine these asses for just a moment. Curved peaches that dip into the middle at a perfect angle, not jutting out too far from the rest of the body but just nice and perfectly proportioned to the rest of them. And the rest of them ain't too bad either.
Imagine if you have to work in this office and watch these perfectly positioned posteriors walk past every day. It hurts to look at that ass. It's the kind of ass that's so beautiful it makes you look ugly as you say, "goddamn, that's some fine ass."
Welcome to my life.
-Nic Cage as Castor Troy in 'Face Off'.
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